This means that I removed some things from OS X that were not important, so that the system runs better and faster, BUT. In addition, I optimized the entire system so that the center of attention is our beloved Mac OS 9.
Simple! Because I ported the Classic from Panther (10.3) to Tiger! With that, we have a performance of 30 to 60% better than in the original classic of the system! So what good has all this effort been done to modify the system, if Tiger is not good with classic? So, why did I choose this version? Simple! My goal is to make the most recent PPC machines run satisfactorily on mac OS 9, many machines from the year 2005 do not support another version of the older mac os X. When it comes to classic environment, we all know that Tiger is not the best choice, he suffers from performance problems in classic, Apple seemed to be trying to kill classic once and for all, to force developers to migrate to OS X.